
We Sparkle Co. Website

Onboarding usability for empowering underestimated entrepreneurs

Methodology & Deliverables

  • Stakeholder Review

  • Journey Map

  • Feature Scoping

  • Dot Voting

  • Kano Analysis

  • Lo and High-Fidelity Prototyping

  • Website Features Proposal

My Roles

  • UX Designer

  • UX Researcher


We Sparkle is a public benefit company empowering start-ups and small businesses of diverse communities with an AI-driven social enterprise platform. They have an enthusiastic following with exciting word of mouth and broad media coverage. As the company redesigns the website they wanted solutions to address onboarding confusion for new users. Our client’s passion-fueled input and descriptions of their user audience were key to creating solutions. By eliminating usability barriers during account creation for users, this business with a vision to empower underestimated entrepreneurs can really fly!

“As the saying goes, 
if you give a person a fish 
you feed that person for a day, 
but if you teach a person 
to fish you feed that person 
for a lifetime…We provide the fishing pole”

—Michelle Tran Maryns, 
Founder and CEO of We Sparkle Co.

Stakeholder Review

Hearing from the founder about their mission of tech equity for diverse entrepreneurs was an invigorating motivator for the entire project. It provided a clear vision for the need for simplicity and ease in order to onboard new users. We Sparkle users need a site that can act as a supporter for diverse small business owners working hard to make it as a solo- or side- preneur.


Journey Map

The excitement and potential of empowering We Sparkle’s community of users prove to be contagious, making its way visually into the user persona journey map. The enthusiasm for the product is there, but the pain points of the onboarding process become a blocker for dreamers. Coming up with a vision to change the journey map is enticing as UXers who can’t wait to dig in.


Feature Scoping Within Technical Constraints

Our team created low-fidelity sketches for a feature scoping session with the stakeholders. During the session, we received input from the client on preferred features, possible edits for feasibility, and timing for implementation. With the scoping session fresh in our minds we added dot voting from the team and then added top features to an online survey for a selection of We Sparkle users.

Screen Shot 2021-09-07 at 6.20.54 AM.png
Close-up of a feature section including:  lo-fidelity prototypes, descriptions, and time scopings.

Close-up of a feature section including:
lo-fidelity prototypes, descriptions, and time scopings.

Kano Analysis

A kano analysis provided the ability to maximize a survey from a small selection of We Sparkle customers. Using this strategy gave our team was able to determine both needs and desires from the results. Analysis results showed three featured concepts that landed under the Must-be category for four We Sparkle users. 

  1. Payment options

  2. Sparkle site preview

  3. Customer review widget

Featured Prototypes

The results from the kano analysis were then weighed alongside project goals, time, and technology constraints in order to select the most impactful features for high fidelity prototyping. With all these factors in mind prototype solutions included:

  • Help & FAQ’s Button:
    Answers any recurring questions with the ease of a single highly visible click

  • Optimized Checklist:
    Reduces confusion of the completed My Sparkle site

  • Site preview:
    Displays the exciting possibilities of what can be done with this simple builder

  • Price comparison:
    Making price plan differences more obvious in order to clarify a selection

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Screen Shot 2021-09-07 at 7.46.54 AM.png

Website Features Full Report

Outcomes & Lessons

Public enthusiasm for We Sparkle is undeniable. The platform only needs a few strategic changes to help users create an account to completion: clarifying account setup, creating better visibility of price level values, and having accessible tools for help. When strategizing for a business model that prioritizes equity and technology for all, UX design becomes a powerful tool in the world of equity!

What I Learned

Even with constraints of time and technology, UX Design methods can be strategized to maximize the resources available. When teams are inspired by passionate leadership behind a worthwhile cause, somehow limitations start to feel invisible. Changing the world for the better can happen on a UX design team together, with a hopeful vision of tech equity for all.